Clean and Organized: Prepping Your Home for the School Year

As the summer winds down and the school year approaches, it’s the perfect time to get your home in order. A clean and organized environment can set the stage for a successful school year, helping everyone in the household feel more focused and less stressed. In this blog post, we will share practical tips and strategies for prepping your home for the school year. From establishing recurring cleaning routines to considering the expertise of cleaning professionals, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and make your home a haven of productivity and comfort!

School year home cleaning tips

The Importance of a Clean and Organized Home for the School Year

A clean and organized home is more than just aesthetically pleasing; it plays a crucial role in the overall well-being and productivity of your family. Here are a few reasons why maintaining a clean home is essential during the back-to-school transition:

  1. Reduced Stress: A clutter-free and organized environment can reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier for everyone to focus on their tasks.
  2. Improved Health: Regular cleaning helps eliminate dust, allergens, and germs, promoting a healthier living space.
  3. Enhanced Productivity: An organized home can boost productivity by minimizing distractions and making it easier to find necessary items.
  4. Positive Habits: Establishing a cleaning routine can instill positive habits in children, teaching them the importance of cleanliness and responsibility.

Recurring Cleaning Routines

One of the most effective ways to maintain a clean home during the school year is by establishing recurring cleaning routines. These routines ensure that cleaning tasks are consistently completed, preventing the buildup of dirt and clutter. Here are some tips for creating a recurring cleaning routine:

  1. Daily Tasks: Incorporate small daily tasks into your routine to keep your home tidy. These tasks can include making beds, wiping down kitchen counters, and doing a quick sweep of high-traffic areas.
  2. Weekly Cleaning: Designate specific days for more thorough cleaning tasks. For example, you can vacuum and mop floors on Mondays, clean bathrooms on Wednesdays, and dust surfaces on Fridays.
  3. Monthly Deep Cleaning: Set aside time each month for deep cleaning tasks that are often overlooked. This can include cleaning baseboards, washing windows, and organizing closets.
  4. Involve the Family: Make cleaning a family affair by assigning age-appropriate tasks to each family member. This not only lightens the load but also teaches children responsibility and teamwork.
  5. Use a Cleaning Schedule: Create a cleaning schedule and post it in a visible location, such as the refrigerator. This helps everyone stay on track and ensures that no tasks are forgotten.

Prepping Your Home for the School Year

Now that we understand the importance of recurring cleaning routines, let’s explore some specific tips for prepping your home for the school year:

  1. Declutter and Organize: Start by decluttering and organizing each room. Donate or discard items that are no longer needed, and create designated spaces for school supplies, backpacks, and shoes.
  2. Deep Clean Bedrooms: Ensure that bedrooms are clean and organized to create a peaceful environment for studying and sleeping. Wash bedding, dust surfaces, and vacuum carpets to remove allergens.
  3. Prepare the Kitchen: The kitchen is the heart of the home, especially during the school year when meal prep becomes more frequent. Clean and organize the pantry, refrigerator, and cabinets. Stock up on healthy snacks and lunch supplies to make meal prep easier.
  4. Create a Homework Station: Designate a specific area for homework and study time. Ensure that this space is clean, well-lit, and free from distractions. Stock it with necessary supplies like pens, paper, and a calendar.
  5. Clean and Organize Entryways: Entryways can quickly become cluttered with shoes, backpacks, and jackets. Clean and organize this area by adding hooks, cubbies, or a shoe rack to keep everything in its place.
  6. Sanitize High-Touch Areas: High-touch areas like doorknobs, light switches, and remote controls can harbor germs. Regularly sanitize these surfaces to keep your home healthy.
  7. Laundry Routine: Establish a laundry routine to keep clothes clean and organized. Designate specific days for laundry and involve the family in sorting, folding, and putting away clothes.
  8. Bathroom Cleanliness: Keep bathrooms clean and stocked with essentials. Regularly clean sinks, toilets, and showers to prevent the buildup of mold and mildew.
  9. Outdoor Spaces: Don’t forget about outdoor spaces! Clean and organize the garage, patio, and yard. Store summer toys and equipment, and prepare outdoor areas for fall activities.
  10. Plan for Recurring Cleaning: Consider scheduling recurring cleaning sessions with cleaning professionals. They can help maintain a high level of cleanliness and tackle tasks that you may not have time for.

Enlisting the Help of Cleaning Professionals

While maintaining a clean home is essential, it can be challenging to keep up with all the tasks, especially during the busy school year. This is where cleaning professionals can make a significant difference. Here are some benefits of hiring cleaning professionals:

  1. Expertise and Efficiency: Cleaning professionals have the expertise and tools to clean your home thoroughly and efficiently. They can tackle tough stains, deep clean carpets, and sanitize surfaces effectively.
  2. Time-Saving: Hiring cleaning professionals frees up your time, allowing you to focus on other important tasks and spend quality time with your family.
  3. Customized Cleaning Plans: Cleaning professionals can create customized cleaning plans based on your specific needs and preferences. Whether you need weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleaning, they can accommodate your schedule.
  4. Consistent Cleanliness: With recurring cleaning services, you can ensure that your home remains consistently clean and organized, reducing stress and promoting a healthier environment.
  5. Specialized Services: Cleaning professionals offer specialized services such as carpet cleaning, window washing, and deep cleaning. These services can help maintain the overall cleanliness and appearance of your home.

Additional Tips for a Smooth School Year

Beyond cleaning, there are several other strategies you can implement to ensure a smooth and successful school year:

  1. Establish a Routine: Create a daily routine that includes time for homework, chores, and relaxation. Consistency helps children know what to expect and can reduce stress.
  2. Meal Planning: Plan meals and snacks for the week to save time and ensure that your family is eating healthy, balanced meals. Consider prepping ingredients in advance to make meal prep easier.
  3. Organize School Supplies: Keep school supplies organized and easily accessible. Use bins, shelves, and labels to create a system that works for your family.
  4. Set Goals: Encourage your children to set academic and personal goals for the school year. This can help them stay motivated and focused.
  5. Create a Family Calendar: Use a family calendar to keep track of important dates, such as school events, extracurricular activities, and appointments. This helps everyone stay organized and on the same page.


Prepping your home for the school year is an essential step in creating a clean, organized, and productive environment for your family. By establishing recurring cleaning routines, implementing effective cleaning tips, and enlisting the help of cleaning professionals, you can ensure that your home remains a haven of comfort and efficiency. Remember, a clean home promotes reduced stress, improved health, and enhanced productivity. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your cleaning supplies, and let’s make this school year the best one yet!

About The Author

Calico Cleaning LLC is a professional house cleaning service located in South Haven, MI. They provide high-quality cleaning services that include recurring maid services, deep house cleaning services, and move in/out cleaning services. They provide to all surrounding communities including Holland, Allegan, and St Joseph, MI. If you live in the area, reach out and get your free estimate today.

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